morning sickness is no laughing matter
It's crazy how you can feel perfectly fine one moment and then sick as a dog the next.... Morning sickness has struck here in the Rollins household... I was up each morning for the last 3 mornings with a large lump in my throat and swallowing anything makes me feel like gaging.... I can usually manage a few bites of something and every so often i take a few more bites and try not to gag. I always try to go back to sleep but if I can't sleep i usually lay on the couch like a bum... This is where you can find me until about 1 or 2. By then my body has stopped boycotting food and i can manage to eat a small lunch. I feel pretty good until bedtime but i still have waves of sickness. It's so weird how you can feel right as rain and two seconds later you swear that you are going to throw up. We went to our first Dr. appointment and it was still surreal. I was literally sitting there thinking omg what if they Dr comes in and tells m...