words you never want to hear
Something happened to me yesterday that was horrible. And I want to try to forget it or ignore it, but I'm in a temporary purgatory. I want to pretend like it isn't happening, but then I think back to when I lost first Brittany and then my Gram. When I talked about it and shared my pain, you guys reached out and made me feel a little bit better and a little less alone. So here it goes. Yesterday Richie and I went to the dr expecting to see a sweet baby bean on the sonogram machine and hear a heartbeat of baby #2 for the first time. Instead, a doctor (a complete stranger to me), told us that I was going to experience a miscarriage soon. I admit that all this week I've been on edge leading up to the sonogram. I experienced pretty severe morning sickness when I was pregnant with Luke starting at week 6, so when I hadn't felt those puky feelings, I brushed my worry down. Each pregnancy is different they say. When they took my b...