Be Brave

I like change. But starting Luke part time in daycare, moving into a new house, renting out our current house, and having a baby all within 2 1/2 months. That may be a bit much. However, recently my three year old (omg I can't even believe he is three) has taught me a big lesson. Luke and I went to the park that is around the corner from our new house. We hadn't ever been there before so he was excited. It has a three story playground. Normally Luke does great on a two story playground so I didn't even consider that he might not like a third story. It was a Sunday and so it was fairly crowded at the park with mommies and kids. Luke proceeds to follow all the other kids up to the 2nd story and then up a little ladder into the hole in the roof of the 3rd story. This is about when the fun ended for him. He looked around and realized how high he was and immediately got scared and anxious....