thoughts from a "runner"
So more and more I realize that when you become a real "runner", you have more gear than anyone who plays a sport with actual equipment. Today while preparing for a run at the gym I had to remember all of the following: special running pants special running sox (jox sox) Uh-Mazing! towel to wipe off sweat water bottle full of special runners liquid to be properly hydrated runners watch special chip to get GPS signal in gym arm band for iphone for my workout Jamz special runners headphones that are sweatproof and of course my new running shoes - which i hate and i am totally returning.. combo lock for the gym locker special sweatyband hairband to keep my hair off my face and it actually stays in place the entire time! again UH-MAZING Me with all my running gear on - plus my runners fanny pack :o) I don't take that to the gym It's exhausting trying to remember all this stuff!!! But by the time i finally got to the gym I was ready to rock and ro...