
Showing posts from April, 2012

thoughts from a "runner"

So more and more I realize that when you become a real "runner", you have more gear than anyone who plays a sport with actual equipment.  Today while preparing for a run at the gym I had to remember all of the following: special running pants special running sox (jox sox) Uh-Mazing! towel to wipe off sweat water bottle full of special runners liquid to be properly hydrated runners watch special chip to get GPS signal in gym arm band for iphone for my workout Jamz special runners headphones that are sweatproof and of course my new running shoes - which i hate and i am totally returning.. combo lock for the gym locker special sweatyband hairband to keep my hair off my face and it actually stays in place the entire time!  again UH-MAZING  Me with all my running gear on - plus my runners fanny pack :o) I don't take that to the gym It's exhausting trying to remember all this stuff!!!  But by the time i finally got to the gym I was ready to rock and ro...

yup... another rant

So in a previous blog post , I mentioned my disdain for my current professor.  It seems that my professor has yet again made me want to scream in frustration.  I have turned in 3 papers starting 5 weeks ago.  He has just NOW graded them this weekend and provided me with the following feedback.  In timeline order: Friday night first paper grade of 90 - He mentions formatting is not quite what he was looking for and tells me to look at Lieber Light Case as example.  Direct Quote " You earned a 90% on your Palladium case brief.   If you make the above changes to your next case it will improve the readability and flow of the case." (The Lieber Light case is actually different than the handout he gave us in class.  I followed the example he gave us in class and I don't recall him EVER saying to follow the Lieber Light example.  AND i can't do it on my next paper because he took 5 freaking weeks to grade it and i'd al...

I'm just plain mad

I'm so angry right now that the only thing that will calm me down is to vent... but i am so mad I don't even know where to start.  So i'm just going to write a list as i think of them.  And I will be writing a letter to the Dean of our college to let them know how appalled I am at you, your lack of professionalism, and your "teaching methods".  I just need to cool off first.  1.  I'm pissed that I am paying thousands of dollars in tuition to sit in a class weekly where i don't learn a damn thing.  2.  I'm angry that you continually call my name several times a class for examples ie "If Lauren were working at this company...." or "If Lauren was the manager in charge of making this decision."  Pick another name--- any other name--- a student in our class or john doe.  I don't care but stop using mine.  In the first class alone I bet you used my name at least 8 times - no lie- in a 3 hour timeframe.  The second class was pretty...

Don't be normal - Be weird!

I saw Dave Ramsey live today and it has given me a new and refreshing take on his program.  I thought I would share a few of his words that were inspirational to me today.  Hopefully you get something out of it too. -  Broke people can't help people because that takes money that they don't have. -  Go back to thinking about money in the same way that our great grandparents and grandparent thought about it. -  The average millionaire cannot tell you who did what on the latest reality TV show.  -  Givers have a higher probability of prosperity. -  90% of the world's millionaires are 1st generation rich. -  If you want to be a millionaire, do the things that millionaires do. -  You train for a marathon, so train to be a millionaire too. -  Money makes you more of what you are. -  Money issues are common sense issues. -  Live on less than you make.  -  Change your family tree - leave a legacy! -  Av...

Restless poem

This is a poem i wrote in 2003 and it is something I'm really proud of. It's probably not the best poem ever written but i'm proud of it. Maybe because for once in my life i was able to write exactly how i felt and what i wanted to say and even to this day i can remember how i felt when i read this poem.  It was a deep, dark time in my life. Restless Restlessly I toss and turn in my skin Walk the streets with only moonlight and stars guiding me Feeling a little crazy Wonder what i'll change this time My clothes, my hair, my mind Branded you on my skin- marked you in my soul Driving down road after road Avoiding the one road that takes me home Avoiding the well known path to my bed- to dreams Dreams of fear and insanity choke my sleep They leave me gasping for air and clutching useless childhood comforts Restless even in my sleep Maybe i'll walk out my front door and leave whisper my goodbye to you in the wind Keep walking along the night Until i reach the engulfin...