Don't be normal - Be weird!

I saw Dave Ramsey live today and it has given me a new and refreshing take on his program.  I thought I would share a few of his words that were inspirational to me today.  Hopefully you get something out of it too.

-  Broke people can't help people because that takes money that they don't have.
-  Go back to thinking about money in the same way that our great grandparents and grandparent thought about it.
-  The average millionaire cannot tell you who did what on the latest reality TV show. 
-  Givers have a higher probability of prosperity.
-  90% of the world's millionaires are 1st generation rich.
-  If you want to be a millionaire, do the things that millionaires do.
-  You train for a marathon, so train to be a millionaire too.
-  Money makes you more of what you are.
-  Money issues are common sense issues.
-  Live on less than you make. 
-  Change your family tree - leave a legacy!
-  Average millionaire reads 1 nonfiction book a month. 
-  It's hard - I'm not going to tell you it's easy.  I'm saying it's worth it!
-  Be greedy when others are cautious and cautious when others are greedy. 
-  Sacrifice- it's only for a short time!
-  Adults devise a plan and follow it - children do what feels good.
Dave Ramsey and me!


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