Blessings Momentarily in Disguise

Last Thursday Richie and I went to my scheduled Dr. appt for a routine exam.  I like to have Richie involved as much as possible and he's been able to make it to every single appointment except for one.  This time I did my routine pee in the cup (which on a side note is the most difficult thing every invented for a woman... or maybe it's just me... I'm contemplating buying a funnel.. lol) and went to the room to wait for the Dr.  We waited around for 20 minutes and he finally came in.  I asked a few questions and then he pulled out his little machine to hear the baby's heartbeat.

He frowned a little and said "I guess I caught the baby napping." 

I kinda laughed and said "why?"

he said "well the baby's heartbeat is lower than it should be." 

I started to get nervous.  "Is that normal when a baby sleeps?" - I mean I have no idea what happens during pregnancy... 

He said "no it's not."  meanwhile he continues to move his little microphone thingy around my belly.  He finds the beats again and goes silent. 

"well what is the baby's heartbeat?"  Now I started to panic a bit.

"It's 90 but it should be around 150.  Here let me see your wrist to make sure it's not your heartbeat I'm hearing."  He grabs my wrist and counts for a bit and shakes his head and says "no that's definitely the baby's heartbeat.  You know what?  I'm going to go find the ultrasound technician to do a sonogram to check to see what is going on.  Hopefully she hasn't left yet.  I'll be right back." 

At this point he leaves the room and Richie and I just kinda stare at each other.  I'm now almost in full panic/disbelief mode and Richie (bless his heart I'm so glad he was there) just kept reassuring me that everything was going to be fine and that the baby was fine and not to worry yet.  I think the Dr. was gone for 10 minutes and then a lady popped her head in the door and told us to come with her.  She didn't really say anything for the first few moments and I just watched the screen and watched the baby move.  Then she said "no the baby is fine.  heartbeat is 148.  The baby is breech and higher up.  The Dr. probably wasn't in the right spot and his microphone wasn't capturing all the beats."  This seemed legit because he wasn't really in the same area that she was at all. 

Then I asked the nurse to see if she could tell what the baby was - since she was already there and the baby was healthy and all.  She said sure and moved the wand around and all i remember was seeing a V on the screen and not realizing at the time that it was the legs.  She said "well it looks like you are having a baby girl.  I don't see anything between the legs."  I just started crying.  I knew that I would love the baby regardless but in my heart of hearts I so wanted a baby girl.  Music to my ears! 

Richie just put his hand on my arm and squeezed and said "I knew it."  We both laughed when the nurse said "be prepared to be broke."  I would post a picture of the sonogram picture but she's facing the camera and you can see one eyeball but the other one is cloudy by something (the placenta?  uterus?  who knows)  It is C-R-E-E-P-Y!  I can say this with confidence because i showed my family and a few friends and they all agreed with me.  lol

I just knew/hoped I was having a girl.  I had two dreams it was a girl.  In one, I was sitting on a couch with my shadow Brittany and she was holding a little blond girl with curly hair about 6 months old.  I knew it was my baby girl and I remember feeling so happy that Brittany was holding my baby girl.  The most recent dream was just after my gram was diagnosed with Leukemia and put in the hospital for her first round of chemo.  I had a dream that I was watching my gram and she was sitting and holding my baby girl in her hands.  Her head was in her hands and her body was running along the forearms.  Gram was smiling down at the baby and talking to her and I was watching the baby wave her little arms.  Again I had a feeling of happiness for my gram meeting my baby girl.    

I've had her name picked out for about 2 years now. I really didn't even consider boy names at all.  I figured if i considered boys names then my chance for having a boy was higher lol.  I picked Harper after a co-worker said it in a conversation a few years ago and I loved it.  I also love the book To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee and since i love to read it just fit.  I got Rose from my shadow Brittany.  It is her middle name.  Honestly until I met Brittany and became a part of her life I wasn't sure if I wanted kids.  She's a large part of why I decided that I wanted to have kids - more specifically a daughter.  Plus I like that Harper Rose is one part modern and one part old fashioned. 

I can't wait to see Harper again in 2 weeks for the official sonogram that was supposed to tell us what we were having.  Even though it was scary for a minute, I'm glad that I didn't have to agonize for a few weeks about an upcoming date that would give me the information I wanted.  It would have been torture.  Love, love, love you baby girl! 

Me at 18 weeks - We are excited to meet Harper Rose!  Mommy is starting to feel movement!!


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