4 months old
Luke is officially 4 months old. He weighs 17 lbs and 11 oz. and is 25 1/2 inches long. He is in size 9 months onesies and size 2 diapers. According to a conversation with a 7 year old recently, he's pretty swollen.... and also a chub chub. lol
At 4 months old Luke:
- Is starting to like playing on his activity mat and bouncy chair

- Doesn't like his swing as much as he used to unless he's super tired
- Is getting definite opinions about things - some might say even throwing temper tantrums..... and he goes from totally happy to screaming mad in about 3 seconds. He will throw himself backwards arching his back, turn bright red and cry real tears.... I almost fear his terrible twos..... lol
- loves to read and look at the pictures in a book. He even likes to hold it in his hands

- he is trying to roll over but hasn't quite made it from his back to his belly... probably because he hates being on his belly.
All in all I think he's pretty awesome and I wouldn't change it for the world
At 4 months old Luke:
- Is starting to like playing on his activity mat and bouncy chair
- Is getting definite opinions about things - some might say even throwing temper tantrums..... and he goes from totally happy to screaming mad in about 3 seconds. He will throw himself backwards arching his back, turn bright red and cry real tears.... I almost fear his terrible twos..... lol
- loves to read and look at the pictures in a book. He even likes to hold it in his hands
- He is holding his neck up on his own but still needs help sitting. He still doesn't like tummy time.
- He still has tummy issues which cause him to be fussy and I've come to realize that he is fussier than most babies but i still love him....
- Daddy still makes him laugh more than anyone else
- He puts anything in his mouth but he really likes to chew on his blankets and I really think he will be a thumb sucking blanket boy..... I love that idea!
- he is trying to roll over but hasn't quite made it from his back to his belly... probably because he hates being on his belly.
All in all I think he's pretty awesome and I wouldn't change it for the world
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