
Showing posts from July, 2013

seriously? Six months?

I can't believe that it's been half a year since my little butterball came into this world.  At his 6 month check up he was 27 inches long and weighs 19 lbs 7 oz.  He is in size 3 diapers and size 9 month clothes.  During this past month: Luke doesn't like his Johnny Jumper anymore.  He prefers his regular jumper. Luke eats cereal for breakfast, pureed fruits for lunch, and pureed vegetables for dinner.  Luke got his first sickness.  The Dr. said it was a virus and he had fever for 5 days and broke out in a rash all over his body.  Luke's rash from his fever Sick little guy Luke is getting better about sitting up on his own but he can't do it for very long yet.  I'm working on sitting up like a big boy Luke is chewing on everything and putting everything in his mouth Luke's legs and arms are really strong!    

Even now I cringe....

The most embarrassing moment I've had so far being a mom happened shortly after Luke's birth.  A short timeline (which will be relevant to my story) January 25th (Friday) 5:09AM - gave birth to Luke all day - had visitors in and out of the room holding Luke night time - sent Luke to the nursery to try to catch some ZZZ since we were up all night the night before.  consequently, I only saw Luke for feedings and it was dark January 26th (Saturday) Morning - Luke was taken away for testing and sonograms on his belly and was gone several hours.  We had more visitors to see Luke Afternoon - released from the hospital to go home and had more visitors.  Jaundice was mentioned by one. January 27th (Sunday) Morning - More visitors to see Luke Afternoon - Richie notices the Jaundice and the Pediatrician was called January 28th (Monday) 8AM - go straight to the pediatrician when it opened 11 AM - went to the hospital with him for jaundice The point of this was