
Showing posts from October, 2013

Letter writing challenge

So this November I want to do a different kind of 30 day challenge.  Everyone loves to get mail but very few people actually receive real mail anymore.  So in November, I am going to write and send out 30 letters to people.  Most of these are things that I am thankful for.  The following list is a list of ideas of people to send a letter to: 1.  someone who changed my life 2.  someone who supported me in hard times 3.  someone who brings me joy 4.  letter to myself in the future - obviously I can't mail this 5.  letter to someone who is currently in the armed forces 6.  letter to someone who has served in the armed forces in the past 7.  letter to a secret keeper 8.  letter to someone who holds my past 9.  letter to a former teacher 10.  letter to a friend 11.  letter to a family member 12.  letter to someone who I admire 13.  letter to someone who inspires me 14.  letter to a leader 15.  letter to another new mom 16.  letter to someone who helped me through my pre


some of these lines have been floating around in my head for several weeks now and they just came together tonight.  It's one of those things that I just couldn't get out of my head until I wrote it down.  letters written letters read letters from souls who are dead letters carved upon a grave letters are the things I save letters written on those lines letters penned from hands that are mine letters in a spot near to my bed letters memorized in my head letters inked upon my skin letters from a voice within letters with a sense of peace letters that are meant to ease letters written letters sent letters confirming what I meant letters ushering the peace I've found letters soothe my crying sounds letters containing things unsaid All I have are letters written letters read

Advice I WOULD have given

I had to write a letter of advice to a fictitious 16 year old girl giving my sage advice about the business world.  Of course I thought of Brittany immediately and even though she isn't here for me to tell her these things, this is what I WOULD have told her if she had asked.  The professor told me that it was "really lovely" and "one of the best letters from the class".  I thought I'd share because why the heck not.  Maybe one day I'll have a baby girl to tell these things to......          Dear Brittany, I am flattered that you think so highly of me that you are seeking my advice.   I have found these ideas immensely helpful to me and I hope you will find as much success with them as I have.   Being a young woman has many advantages, but I have always believed that a woman should be able to support herself no matter what life brings her way.   Because of this, I am a huge proponent of education.   In addition to getting your Bachelor’s

Brief Moments in Time with Brittany

I've always been really intuitive to things and the older I get the more in tune to things I am.  I can read people's emotions really well and I can quickly assess whether or not people are good people or if they have ulterior motives.  I had a psychic tell me once that I can do what she does if I wanted to and while I wouldn't go that far I have actually had dreams that predicted several pregnancies before I knew they were trying, and dreams that told me the sex of several pregnancies before the parents even knew, and I even had a 2 dreams and told my best friend what her son would look like before he was born and I was spot on.  With that being said, I don't know if this is my mind trying to comfort me or if it is you Shadow.  I want to believe it is you.  Even if it is my mind, at least it is giving me some small comfort in my time of need.  The following is a list of times that I've distinctly felt you or dreamed about you since you've been gone.  It's