9 is divine!
Luke weighs 22.7 lbs
Luke is 28 inches long
wears size 4 diapers
wears size 18 months clothing
finally has 1 tooth
takes 2 naps a day
He is crawling everywhere! But he's still pretty slow at it
He started getting rashes from mandarin oranges and foods with acid in them like spaghetti :o(
Luke is 28 inches long
wears size 4 diapers
wears size 18 months clothing
finally has 1 tooth
takes 2 naps a day
He is crawling everywhere! But he's still pretty slow at it
He eats a lot and is starting to get the hang of his sippy cup after meals
He started getting rashes from mandarin oranges and foods with acid in them like spaghetti :o(
He started sleeping on his tummy with his butt up in the air. it's so cute
We took him to the park and he liked it a little bit but not as much as I thought he would. He wanted to put his mouth on everything and we didn't want to let him.
He is starting to stand up in his crib now when we he wakes up
He likes playing with his cars on his ramps like a big boy!
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