
Showing posts from December, 2013

2013 in review

  To borrow a quote from A Tale of Two Cities "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us...." You came in with such hope and right in the middle, you devastated me with one swift blow.  At the close of it, I find it necessary to take stock of where I've come from in order to move forward into the future.  I'll do it in a way that I saw a friend do it - only I've added pictures too!  January - Came in pregnant with expectations.  the last 3 boring weeks of bed rest and then all of a sudden a dramatic delivery and Luke was here! Such a beautiful baby! Such a beautiful delivery! Then Luke went back into the hospital for Jaundice .  The euphoria I...

The case against Santa Claus

I've been debating about what to do about Santa Claus since I got pregnant.  At first I felt unsure about what my decision should be.  But the older Luke gets, the more I feel positive about what I want to do.  I have decided that I am not going to play the Santa card.  Or the elf on the shelf card.  Now don't get me wrong, I think it is perfectly fine for other parents to do so.  I just don't think I want to make that choice.  I have many reasons why I think this and maybe getting them down on paper will make people get off my back about it.  I have never been good at debating and I get tongue tied when people try to argue with me.   1.  Christmas should be about giving.  NOT receiving.  I don't want Luke growing up solely focused on what he is receiving for Christmas.  I want him to know and enjoy the satisfaction of giving a great gift.  I want him to be excited on Christmas morning because he wants to see someon...

Terrific Ten Months

Luke weighs wears size 4 diapers wears size 18 months clothing still only has 1 tooth takes 2 naps a day eat solid foods at every meal! Luke had his first Halloween.  We did not dress up    He is kinda dramatic.  kinda....         crawls everywhere and pulls himself up onto everything      When he gets really tired he gets punch drunk and laughs at everything!!!  I love it!