fabulous 15 months
weighs 25.6 lbs
is 31 1/2 inches long
has 7 teeth
wears size 5 diapers
wears size 2T clothing
wears size 6 shoes
Luke has grown so much!
He is starting to climb things
He is really interested in books and likes to look and them and turn the pages
tries to sit and eat like a big boy using forks. really he just uses his hands mostly and holds the fork in the other hand
Enjoys coming on runs with me
weighs 25.6 lbs
is 31 1/2 inches long
has 7 teeth
wears size 5 diapers
wears size 2T clothing
wears size 6 shoes
Luke has grown so much!
He is starting to climb things
He is really interested in books and likes to look and them and turn the pages
tries to sit and eat like a big boy using forks. really he just uses his hands mostly and holds the fork in the other hand
Enjoys coming on runs with me
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