Sweet 17 Months


weighs approx. 27 lbs
not sure how tall
has 8 teeth and one coming in
wears size 5 diapers
wears size 2T clothing
wears size 6 shoes
Takes 1 nap - approximately an hour and a half during the day
Almost always sleeps through the night

Someone asked me the other day what Luke was like.  I was a little taken aback because I couldn't find the words to say to explain him.  Mostly because he's such a complex little guy.  So in honor of his (almost) 17 month milestone, I thought I'd try to capture some of his essence. 

Luke is such a bright ray of sun.  He is generally pretty happy and he loves to laugh.  And when he does he laughs way deep, down in his belly. 

his big ole grin

He also loves food.  There are so many times that I feel like there is no possible way he could STILL be eating.  But he keeps saying "more" and signing more. 

he's a happy boy for food!

He also likes to be scared.  Many hours are spent by running around a corner and calling for Luke, he waddles around the corner and I am on my hands and knees and I jump towards him.  He always jumps from being scared but he laughs hysterically.  It's one of our favorite past times.   

He has definite opinions on what he wants and what he doesn't want.  He doesn't verbally say no very often but he shakes his head no a lot.  There are days when he has time outs more often then others.  Often times, he gets frustrated and screams in anger.  Probably more because he can't explain to me his side of the story.  But even when I have to discipline him, he will walk over to his time out spot if we tell him to go to time out.  He will sit there and cry - sometimes scream - and sometimes hit the wall.  But he is learning.  He listens to us more often then not when we tell him not to do things.  I can see the wheels churning in his head - calculating if it is worth it or not.  Some days we have 1 time out, some days we have 5 or 6.  But he really is a good boy on the whole. 

Our Time Out spot

He is becoming more and more verbal.  He can definitely say "ppppeeeaaassss".  This is his most common word.  However, he doesn't understand why he doesn't automatically get 100% of everything he asks for, but he always asks for things.  Sometimes, if we don't hear him, he will say it louder and louder and draw the word out really long.  He also says tank ew (thank you) a lot. 

He also says:  nack (for snack), more and done (including the sign language hand motions), baby, up, down (although recently he gets confused at the difference between the two), boo (for blue berries), nana (for bananas and nana), papa, pop, dada, sh (for fish).  He can say Mama but he rarely does.  I think this is because his grandmother is also called MawMaw and that might be causing some confusion on his part.  I know he says more things but not as frequently as these words.   

He can point to: eyes, ears, mouth, hair, elbow, ball,
He can make the sounds for: elephant, sheep, cow, dog (kinda)
He can show you what these animals do:  fish, bunny   
He will "count" if you say one, he says two, and you say three. 

Although he doesn't all of these things frequently, he definitely chooses when to do them.  There are times when I ask him questions and he just ignores me because he doesn't feel like "playing".

He can get kinda clingy in new social situations but will go along willingly after he has had a few minutes to scope out the situation.  I really need to have him interact with kids more often for some socialization skills. 

Recently, we've realize that he does NOT like it when Richie pretends to sit on me, hit me, put a hand on my face or mouth.  If I pretend to be in trouble, he definitely comes to my defense.  It makes him anxious.  It's not like Richie actually hurts me, but we noticed it one day when I was laying on the ground and Richie was trying to sit on me and I was yelping for him to get off.  It's not something I want to pretend very often about, but it's nice to know Luke is protective.

He is still a Mama's boy and I'm still eating it up.  He sucks his thumb still and loves his little blankie.  He still gives dirty looks often to strangers, and sometimes to us when he's not happy with us and trying to see how much he can get away with until we put him in time out. 

love that thumb sucking!
What you lookin' at?


He  (and his daddy too) are the best things in my life.  I tell them that all the time.  I am so blessed.   


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