19 crazy quick months
Sometimes I look down at this sweet boy who is walking next to me and I CANNOT imagine my life without him. I know 100%, without a doubt, that I was born to be his mama. I am the best possible person for him. Very few things in my life have ever felt this right.
19 months - At what point do I stop counting months and start counting years??? I'm not ready!!!
weighs approx. 26.5 lbs - he lost a lot of weight after getting sick
33 inches tall
has 11.5 teeth - most of his molars are coming in right now at the same time
wears size 5 diapers
wears size 2T clothing
wears size 7 shoes
Takes 1 nap - approximately an hour and a half during the day
Almost always sleeps through the night - we literally just lay him down in his crib and walk out the door. He puts himself to sleep. He's such a good boy when it comes to going to sleep.
We currently have battles over brushing his teeth without his blankie. He wants to take it into the bathroom with him, and we don't want it to be a nasty cesspool of a blanket. He loves his blankie. I love that he loves his blankie but only to a certain degree.
Luke took swimming lessons this summer. At first he was just OK about being in the water. He didn't really kick his legs at all, didn't like to be on his back, only wanted to play his way. But at the end of the summer, he would stand on the edge and step off into the water. He holds his breath when you put him underwater to help him learn to swim. He kicks his legs after much prompting. But you can tell that he likes it so much more than he used to.
There are days when he is so incredibly happy, and days when his frustration level is high and he acts out by not listening to what we tell him, or throwing fits. It's not terrible yet, but I'm praying it doesn't get there. so far (knock on wood) we haven't had a public melt down. But we sure have had some doozies here at home.
He is definitely getting more and more vocal. He is starting to say 2 word sentences like "Mama up!" or "help peeeaasss". He also thinks he knows what he is saying. He repeats us all the time like a little parrot. But he will also "say" a word and look at you for understanding. If you don't understand, he repeats the word exactly the same over and over until you get it. If you don't, he sometimes gets upset. I don't blame him. It would be incredibly frustrating to try to communicate to someone you love, but not have the tools.
While we were in Colorado, Luke got Hand, Mouth and Foot disease. He got a "very involved case" as my pediatrician likes to say. poor baby was covered in blisters and then scabs. He also lost some weight due to the fever and general not feeling well. It makes me cringe just looking at these pictures, and really I was spared the worst of it because we were out of state. Poor guy! I only hope he never gets it again.
We took a road trip to Dallas to spend some quality family time together. It was SO sweet to see all the babies playing together. Loved it and so did the kids! Precious time well spent. Can't wait to do it again.

19 months - At what point do I stop counting months and start counting years??? I'm not ready!!!
weighs approx. 26.5 lbs - he lost a lot of weight after getting sick
33 inches tall
has 11.5 teeth - most of his molars are coming in right now at the same time
wears size 5 diapers
wears size 2T clothing
wears size 7 shoes
Takes 1 nap - approximately an hour and a half during the day
Almost always sleeps through the night - we literally just lay him down in his crib and walk out the door. He puts himself to sleep. He's such a good boy when it comes to going to sleep.
We currently have battles over brushing his teeth without his blankie. He wants to take it into the bathroom with him, and we don't want it to be a nasty cesspool of a blanket. He loves his blankie. I love that he loves his blankie but only to a certain degree.
Luke took swimming lessons this summer. At first he was just OK about being in the water. He didn't really kick his legs at all, didn't like to be on his back, only wanted to play his way. But at the end of the summer, he would stand on the edge and step off into the water. He holds his breath when you put him underwater to help him learn to swim. He kicks his legs after much prompting. But you can tell that he likes it so much more than he used to.
Luke underwater! |
There are days when he is so incredibly happy, and days when his frustration level is high and he acts out by not listening to what we tell him, or throwing fits. It's not terrible yet, but I'm praying it doesn't get there. so far (knock on wood) we haven't had a public melt down. But we sure have had some doozies here at home.
one of my favorite pics of luke |
He is definitely getting more and more vocal. He is starting to say 2 word sentences like "Mama up!" or "help peeeaasss". He also thinks he knows what he is saying. He repeats us all the time like a little parrot. But he will also "say" a word and look at you for understanding. If you don't understand, he repeats the word exactly the same over and over until you get it. If you don't, he sometimes gets upset. I don't blame him. It would be incredibly frustrating to try to communicate to someone you love, but not have the tools.
While we were in Colorado, Luke got Hand, Mouth and Foot disease. He got a "very involved case" as my pediatrician likes to say. poor baby was covered in blisters and then scabs. He also lost some weight due to the fever and general not feeling well. It makes me cringe just looking at these pictures, and really I was spared the worst of it because we were out of state. Poor guy! I only hope he never gets it again.
We took a road trip to Dallas to spend some quality family time together. It was SO sweet to see all the babies playing together. Loved it and so did the kids! Precious time well spent. Can't wait to do it again.
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