
Showing posts from December, 2016

2016 in review

2016 was definitely a benchmark year in the Rollins household.  I know that most people have been posting about how awful it was for them, but we've had a really great year. January - Luke turned 3 and most importantly, my sweet niece Davie-Marie was born!  Expanded friendships by going to Fredericksburg with some awesome ladies! tiny Davie-Marie celebrating Luke's 3rd birthday Fredericksburg with these lovely ladies! February -   I turned 32 and apparently didn't take any pictures.  I guess it wasn't that eventful. March - Traveled to Dallas for my nephew's 4th birthday.  Luke had a blast at the jumpy place! Once he got past his fear, he loved it! Luke loves his cousin Connor! April - We bought a new house and moved in on April 22.  goodbye old house! hello new house! May - Ellis Rose was born 6 weeks early on May 6th via emergency c-section !  She weighed 6 l...

sweet 7 months

At 7 months Ellis: weighs 19 lbs 4 oz (88 percentile) is 26.3 inches long (56 percentile) wears size 3 diapers wears size 12 months clothing  takes 2 naps a day in her crib eats pureed foods 3 meals a day.  She is attempting to eat more food that is mushy. She is officially sitting up on her own now.  She loves to sit on her blanket and play with her toys. She is finally rolling over all the time on to her belly.  However, once there, she usually gets really upset.  she likes to grab her toes now too she still loves bath time and loves her brother