2016 in review
2016 was definitely a benchmark year in the Rollins household. I know that most people have been posting about how awful it was for them, but we've had a really great year.
January -
Luke turned 3 and most importantly, my sweet niece Davie-Marie was born! Expanded friendships by going to Fredericksburg with some awesome ladies!
February - I turned 32 and apparently didn't take any pictures. I guess it wasn't that eventful.
March - Traveled to Dallas for my nephew's 4th birthday. Luke had a blast at the jumpy place!
April - We bought a new house and moved in on April 22.
May - Ellis Rose was born 6 weeks early on May 6th via emergency c-section! She weighed 6 lbs 6 oz and was 19 inches long.
I have the BEST Mother's Day ever despite just having major surgery and my baby being in the NICU. Richie pulled out all the stops to make sure it was special. He had all of my favorite foods delivered to the hospital AND flowers.
Luke starts daycare for the first time. It was a rough transition for Mama and Luke.
June -
Lots of baby love! At this point, Ellis sleeps pretty much 22 out of 24 hours of the day. Luke LOVES his baby sister and takes to being a big brother so naturally. Richie took off an entire month when Ellis was born, but after that, he had to go back to work leaving me to figure out how to balance two kids at once.

July - Richie and I celebrated out 6th wedding anniversary by going out to dinner just the two of us. Ellis is more awake now, but wants to be held 24-7. She is perfectly fine if she is being held, but she cries often if she isn't being held. Ellis starts to smile now.
August - I went back to work. Nursing is difficult when Ellis goes on a nursing strike. Being a working mommy of 2 is hard!
September - Richie turns 34 and again we don't take pictures. oooppps! Luke starts soccer and he is NOT a fan... but then again, neither am I. We start feeding Ellis cereal. Ellis occasionally rolls over, but not very often.
October - We hosted the 5th annual pumpkin painting contest at our new house. Luke dressed up as a fireman for Halloween and Ellis just came along for the ride. Ellis goes on 2nd nursing strike and refuses to breast feed completely. This is not cool with me.
November - Ellis gets her first sickness that requires breathing treatments every 4 hours. :o( Ellis starts to hold her own bottle to feed herself. Ellis also starts to grab her own toes and babble. We start feeding Ellis pureed foods and pouches. She is finally more content to be on her own and not held as much. Mama gives up breastfeeding and pumping. We had a good run, but enough is enough.
We took our first family pictures. Luke was NOT a huge fan and we didn't get as many pictures as I had wanted.
Luke has had tummy issues since August. Blood work confirms that he is testing positive for Crohn's disease. An appointment was made with a pediatric gastrologist to do further testing.
December - We celebrated our first Christmas as a family of 4. Luke was so excited! He loved every minute of it. Ellis is finally sitting up on her own without support.
2017 is sure to be an exciting year! Luke will turn 4. He is already so smart and knows all of his capital letters and half of his lower case letters. Next year he will learn how to write letters and I'm sure will start to read words. He already knows some of his sounds for his letters so I'm sure it won't be long. I'm hoping that Luke's dr appointment with the pediatric gastrologist will shed some light and understanding on the whole Crohn's disease situation.
Ellis will turn 1. She will start crawling, and walking and talking. She has already grown so much and will only continue to grow like a weed!
We will be going to Destin, Florida next summer as well. Other than that, I don't know what else 2017 will have in store for us, but I look forward to finding out.
January -
Luke turned 3 and most importantly, my sweet niece Davie-Marie was born! Expanded friendships by going to Fredericksburg with some awesome ladies!
tiny Davie-Marie |
celebrating Luke's 3rd birthday |
Fredericksburg with these lovely ladies! |
February - I turned 32 and apparently didn't take any pictures. I guess it wasn't that eventful.
March - Traveled to Dallas for my nephew's 4th birthday. Luke had a blast at the jumpy place!
Once he got past his fear, he loved it! |
Luke loves his cousin Connor! |
April - We bought a new house and moved in on April 22.
goodbye old house! |
hello new house! |
May - Ellis Rose was born 6 weeks early on May 6th via emergency c-section! She weighed 6 lbs 6 oz and was 19 inches long.
I have the BEST Mother's Day ever despite just having major surgery and my baby being in the NICU. Richie pulled out all the stops to make sure it was special. He had all of my favorite foods delivered to the hospital AND flowers.
Luke starts daycare for the first time. It was a rough transition for Mama and Luke.
My first kiss with my baby girl |
The last picture of me standing pregnant! |
Mommy, Daddy and baby girl |
skin to skin contact with my baby girl |
being in the NICU is hard on all of us |
After we finally busted out of NICU, Luke got to hold her! |
June -
Lots of baby love! At this point, Ellis sleeps pretty much 22 out of 24 hours of the day. Luke LOVES his baby sister and takes to being a big brother so naturally. Richie took off an entire month when Ellis was born, but after that, he had to go back to work leaving me to figure out how to balance two kids at once.
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I LOVE to see Luke interact with Ellis |
July - Richie and I celebrated out 6th wedding anniversary by going out to dinner just the two of us. Ellis is more awake now, but wants to be held 24-7. She is perfectly fine if she is being held, but she cries often if she isn't being held. Ellis starts to smile now.
6 year anniversary! |
sweet smiles! |
August - I went back to work. Nursing is difficult when Ellis goes on a nursing strike. Being a working mommy of 2 is hard!
how do I balance working, kids, dinner and sanity?? |
at least the cousins get to see each other often |
September - Richie turns 34 and again we don't take pictures. oooppps! Luke starts soccer and he is NOT a fan... but then again, neither am I. We start feeding Ellis cereal. Ellis occasionally rolls over, but not very often.
Luke playing soccer |
Ellis starting to roll over |
October - We hosted the 5th annual pumpkin painting contest at our new house. Luke dressed up as a fireman for Halloween and Ellis just came along for the ride. Ellis goes on 2nd nursing strike and refuses to breast feed completely. This is not cool with me.
Luke dressed up as a fireman! |
The FIRST picture of all of the cousins together! |
The winner was Oscar the grouch (Amy's pumpkin) |
November - Ellis gets her first sickness that requires breathing treatments every 4 hours. :o( Ellis starts to hold her own bottle to feed herself. Ellis also starts to grab her own toes and babble. We start feeding Ellis pureed foods and pouches. She is finally more content to be on her own and not held as much. Mama gives up breastfeeding and pumping. We had a good run, but enough is enough.
We took our first family pictures. Luke was NOT a huge fan and we didn't get as many pictures as I had wanted.
Luke has had tummy issues since August. Blood work confirms that he is testing positive for Crohn's disease. An appointment was made with a pediatric gastrologist to do further testing.
breathing treatments suck! |
holding my toes is hard work! |
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we got some good pictures but I wish Luke had cooperated more |
December - We celebrated our first Christmas as a family of 4. Luke was so excited! He loved every minute of it. Ellis is finally sitting up on her own without support.
my babies! |
Ellis sitting up on her own |
Luke was always so excited to open his gifts |
2017 is sure to be an exciting year! Luke will turn 4. He is already so smart and knows all of his capital letters and half of his lower case letters. Next year he will learn how to write letters and I'm sure will start to read words. He already knows some of his sounds for his letters so I'm sure it won't be long. I'm hoping that Luke's dr appointment with the pediatric gastrologist will shed some light and understanding on the whole Crohn's disease situation.
Ellis will turn 1. She will start crawling, and walking and talking. She has already grown so much and will only continue to grow like a weed!
We will be going to Destin, Florida next summer as well. Other than that, I don't know what else 2017 will have in store for us, but I look forward to finding out.
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