Thanks for being my sun

You came to me last night in a dream. It was one of the sweetest dreams ever. I awoke and realized that this piece of me that I had given up- that I had locked away- that I thought had died, was in fact alive. It made me realize that these thoughts I have of our relationship I can have in my own life in other areas. It doesn’t have to be the way it is now. It doesn’t have to be hurtful or contain guilt. It can be about love, respect, honor, affection. I feel like I have this huge hole in my life and you are filling that space with your presence. You somehow know my need for approval and love. You are giving to me what I haven’t had in so long. What I gave up in another, I have found in you.  I’ve needed this direction. I’ve needed someone to show me how to be the best. How to have this relationship without hurt. It is possible. And for the first time in a long while,  I feel like it is possible. I don’t have to feel this way and they don’t have to feel the same way about me. I can’t thank you enough for that. Even if we part ways, I will take this wisdom with me. I want to always remember this feeling of belonging and of home. I just want to be around you. I feel somewhat like a wilted flower and you are a sun. You are bringing me back to life and showing me how a flower and sun should really interact. So thanks for being my sun.......


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