
Showing posts from March, 2013

Random (and not so random) Acts of Kindness

So my New Years Resolution was to do one random (or not so random) act of kindness a month.  I believe in karma and that what you put out into the world comes back to you tenfold.  So here is my list of things i've done so far.  I will update it as I continue doing things: 1.  Bought Starbucks for the person behind me in the drive thru line 2.  Send a care package to a homesick friend who is out of the country 3.  Send an unexpected gift to someone 4.  Tape some $1 on the vending machine with a note for people to enjoy a free soda 5.  Send an unexpected baby gift to someone you haven't seen in a really long time 6.  Sent a gift card to a military veteran 7.  Send out letters for every single day in November - mostly thank you letters 8.  Mail out care packages for some soldiers serving overseas during holiday times 9.  buy a gift for a needy child during Christmas time 10.  give a Starbucks gift card ...

2 months already???

I CANNOT believe that Luke is already two months old.... soon he will be 2 years old and then 20 years old!!  I am always asking him to slow down because I want him to stay a baby for longer!!!  It's crazy how much he has grown.  At his 2 month appt today he weighed 13 lbs 15 oz.  He's getting the cutest rolls on his legs and arms and a big ole belly - I just love it!!!  2 months!  2 weeks old    At 2 months old Luke: - loves bathtime!!!!     -  loves his yellow giraffe that plays music     -  ADORES his swing and staring at the "baby" in the mirror       -  is a morning person     -  has tummy issues still that Mommy and Daddy are trying to figure out still! -  Spits up a lot -  has a strong head and neck and holds it up when being burped on our knee       -  gets fussy in the afternoons ...

poop, smiles, coos, and poop

Being a Mommy means that you are rarely clean for very long.  This morning was definitely no exception to that rule.  It's a funny story so I thought I'd share.  I got up at 7:30 to feed him and I just sat down on the couch when i happened to notice that his diaper looked pretty full in the front.  The following is my mental thought process "hmm.  that looks pretty full.  I should probably change him first because normally he poops when he eats and when his diaper is full he poops out of it."  Then I see him screw his face up and he pooped really loudly.  again here is my thought process "well it's too late now.  I literally just had that thought and he pooped.  Hey there's something warm on my leg.  Did he just poop on me?"  I lift him up slightly and prop him up "O.MY.GOD.  he just pooped so much that it went up his back almost to his head.  That is so gross!!!  and it's on my PJ's now.  How the h...

Damn Hormones!

Before getting pregnant I would say I was a fairly stable woman.  I was never prone to mood swings, PMS or crying.  I fully expected to become this crazy woman when I was pregnant with all of my phobias and hypochondriac tendencies.  But surprisingly - I wasn't.  Even with all of the drama, I remained fairly calm most of the time.  I had occasional bout of tears but most of the time I was fairly calm.  AND THEN I HAD A BABY.....  I mean I knew I would probably cry when he was born and I was right.  I'm not sure i expected the amount of tears that were to come in the following weeks.  I was a basket case of hormones!  The week after the birth I cried  I cried when: -  When he was born -  When we took him home from the hospital the first time -  When Richie noticed he had jaundice - not me! -  When he got his little heel pricked to get his blood tested in the hospital -  When we l...