
Showing posts from 2016

2016 in review

2016 was definitely a benchmark year in the Rollins household.  I know that most people have been posting about how awful it was for them, but we've had a really great year. January - Luke turned 3 and most importantly, my sweet niece Davie-Marie was born!  Expanded friendships by going to Fredericksburg with some awesome ladies! tiny Davie-Marie celebrating Luke's 3rd birthday Fredericksburg with these lovely ladies! February -   I turned 32 and apparently didn't take any pictures.  I guess it wasn't that eventful. March - Traveled to Dallas for my nephew's 4th birthday.  Luke had a blast at the jumpy place! Once he got past his fear, he loved it! Luke loves his cousin Connor! April - We bought a new house and moved in on April 22.  goodbye old house! hello new house! May - Ellis Rose was born 6 weeks early on May 6th via emergency c-section !  She weighed 6 l...

sweet 7 months

At 7 months Ellis: weighs 19 lbs 4 oz (88 percentile) is 26.3 inches long (56 percentile) wears size 3 diapers wears size 12 months clothing  takes 2 naps a day in her crib eats pureed foods 3 meals a day.  She is attempting to eat more food that is mushy. She is officially sitting up on her own now.  She loves to sit on her blanket and play with her toys. She is finally rolling over all the time on to her belly.  However, once there, she usually gets really upset.  she likes to grab her toes now too she still loves bath time and loves her brother

Sweet Ellis at 4 months

At 4 months Ellis: weighs 16 lbs 11 oz is 25 inches long wears size 3 diapers takes at least 3 naps a day and we are working on getting her napping in her crib! babbles a little bit and is starting to smile a lot started trying to roll over from back to belly LOVES bath time especially with her brother follows brother around with her eyes all the time

Terrific Two Months

Ellis is now two months old.  I can't believe that she has been here for this long already! At two months old Ellis: weighs: 12 lbs 1 oz length: 23 inches wears size 2 diapers is transitioning to size 6 month clothing She still sleeps a LOT.  She probably sleeps 17 hours out of the day.  Physically she is right on target.  She's in the 75% for height and weight.  Her neck is so strong and she's holding her head up like a champ.  She is a little behind developmentally as she isn't smiling yet and she doesn't always look at object or turn her heard to look at sounds and objects on the side of her head.  Her pediatrician has assured me that this is normal for a preemie so hopefully she gets caught up soon.  So far she's very sweet and very serious.  I do love seeing her and Luke together.  It is so heartwarming!  

Ellis 6 weeks

Ellis is 6 weeks old already!  Time flies when you are raising children.  I can't believe that she already looks as big as she does.  Ellis: weighs 11 lbs 1 oz wears size 3 months clothing wears size 1 diapers She is the sweetest little girl.  She is very calm and sleeps all the time.  It is incredible to see how she and Luke interact.  She sounds more like a little goat than a baby.  lol.  She's started making little sounds of protest whenever she is bored and wants to be picked up or wants someone to pay attention to her. 

another crazy birth story

I thought I had so much more time!  I was supposed to have a baby shower, take maternity photos, and fix up Ellis's room perfectly.  But Ellis had a different idea.  She wanted to come 6 weeks early.  When I think that she's only been with us for 14 days, and that technically she should still be cooking in my belly for another 4 weeks, that blows my mind!  It seems so hard to imagine that I should still be pregnant!  Yet she is here, and I couldn't be happier.  It was a crazy ride to get her here. The Wednesday before she was born, I thought I might be leaking amniotic fluid.  So I called the Dr. and went in for testing.  I had had contractions but the dr. did a ph test and said he didn't think that it was amniotic fluid.  He said that sometimes contractions can make it feel like it was amniotic fluid leaking when it wasn't.  I was unsure, but I figured he was the professional.  Thursday continued with much of the sa...