2016 in review
2016 was definitely a benchmark year in the Rollins household. I know that most people have been posting about how awful it was for them, but we've had a really great year. January - Luke turned 3 and most importantly, my sweet niece Davie-Marie was born! Expanded friendships by going to Fredericksburg with some awesome ladies! tiny Davie-Marie celebrating Luke's 3rd birthday Fredericksburg with these lovely ladies! February - I turned 32 and apparently didn't take any pictures. I guess it wasn't that eventful. March - Traveled to Dallas for my nephew's 4th birthday. Luke had a blast at the jumpy place! Once he got past his fear, he loved it! Luke loves his cousin Connor! April - We bought a new house and moved in on April 22. goodbye old house! hello new house! May - Ellis Rose was born 6 weeks early on May 6th via emergency c-section ! She weighed 6 l...