Terrific Two Months
Ellis is now two months old. I can't believe that she has been here for this long already!
At two months old Ellis:
weighs: 12 lbs 1 oz
length: 23 inches
wears size 2 diapers
is transitioning to size 6 month clothing

She still sleeps a LOT. She probably sleeps 17 hours out of the day. Physically she is right on target. She's in the 75% for height and weight. Her neck is so strong and she's holding her head up like a champ. She is a little behind developmentally as she isn't smiling yet and she doesn't always look at object or turn her heard to look at sounds and objects on the side of her head. Her pediatrician has assured me that this is normal for a preemie so hopefully she gets caught up soon. So far she's very sweet and very serious. I do love seeing her and Luke together. It is so heartwarming!
At two months old Ellis:
weighs: 12 lbs 1 oz
length: 23 inches
wears size 2 diapers
is transitioning to size 6 month clothing
She still sleeps a LOT. She probably sleeps 17 hours out of the day. Physically she is right on target. She's in the 75% for height and weight. Her neck is so strong and she's holding her head up like a champ. She is a little behind developmentally as she isn't smiling yet and she doesn't always look at object or turn her heard to look at sounds and objects on the side of her head. Her pediatrician has assured me that this is normal for a preemie so hopefully she gets caught up soon. So far she's very sweet and very serious. I do love seeing her and Luke together. It is so heartwarming!
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