2 1/2 year update

Somewhere along the line, Luke has grown into a little boy.  He is no longer a baby.  His favorite phrase as of lately is "I do it Mama.  I do it on my own."  He is becoming such an independent little guy.  He smells like wet dog after his bath, his farts smell gross, we are entering the potty training phase, Wahhhhhh!!!!  I don't want him to grow up!  It's kinda hard to remember that only a few short months ago, he was in a full leg cast and still had a regular crib!

January of 2015

January of 2015

At 2 1/2, Luke can:

- count from 1-13.  He typically includes the number 4 in there, but instead of saying 14, he says eleventeen.  lol. 
-  Can identify the basic colors (blue, green, red, yellow, orange, white, purple, pink).  He still struggles with black versus brown
-  Knows the shapes, circle, triangle, square, hexagon, diamond, heart
-  he can get himself in the car seat on his own (albeit it takes FOREVER, and I still have to buckle him in)
-  answers questions and initiates conversations.  He talks all the time!
-  can undress himself - take off shirt, shorts, diaper, socks and shoes.  He is learning how to dress himself but this can be a slow process.  He just learned how to put on socks and shoes!  As soon as he walks in the front door, he knows to take off his socks and shoes and put them away right then.

matching Toms!

Some days he is such a sweet little boy.  He will say please, thank you, excuse me, and I'm sorry.  He clears his plate after meals and puts it in the sink.  He hugs and cuddles and shares.  And other days he doesn't want to listen, and we have to use time out frequently.  He is starting to become a bossy little cow.  I'm told he may have gotten this from me.  lol    I keep telling him "You don't boss me around.  I'm the boss of you."   

He is definitely still a good eater.  That boy eats anything from veggies, to sushi, to thai food, to cake.  He is a total sweet tooth just like Richie and I.  He also loves to help cooking, real food or fake food. 

He loves cake!

A typical conversation from this AM:

Luke:  look at the water mama!  It's from the dew.
Me:  no baby.  It's from the rain.  It's made the creek bigger.
Luke:  no.  it not.  It from dew.
Me:  no baby.  It's from the rain.
Luke:  o dats right.  I'm sorry.  it's from the rain. 

I love his little speech idiosyncrasies.  I ALMOST don't want them to go away.  But I know it would be ridiculous for him to be 20 and saying these things. 

He says:
-  efalent instead of elephant
-  I hold you instead of carry me
-  eleventeen instead of 14

Luke is sunshine and joy.  Every day I thank God for blessing me with him.  I know he will continue to grow and amaze me.  I couldn't be more thankful. 


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