
Showing posts from May, 2012

Jobs for the Future

I feel like I job hop... a lot... and maybe that's because I have never been happy at my job before so i feel the need to hop along every 3 years.  So I am starting a list of possible jobs that  make me happy.  In case I become a professor and I find that I still am not happy.  lol 1.  Own a starbucks.... I just love the cozy atmosphere, the smell of coffee and the feeling of people gathering together to have a chat or study.  2.    Work at a bookstore... love, love, love books but sadly i feel like actual books are going the way of film cameras.  I just don't see that this will last. 3.  Become a writer.  I had a great idea earlier today for a novel.  Who knows if i'll ever try to pen it.  I may be the world's worst writer ever.... 4.  Own several houses and rent them out as a way to get income.  I'll just keep adding to this list when I think of something.  :o)