
Showing posts from August, 2017

Ellis 15 fantastic months

At 15 months Ellis: weighs 24 lbs 3 oz - 83 percentile height 31 inches - 42 percentile wears size 2T clothes wears size 5 diapers -  Ellis LOVES food.  She signs "more" and will say "peas" for please -  Ellis walks everywhere now!  She even tries to run.  She looks so cute because she walks with her hands up in the air like she is saying "goal" -  Ellis knows how to point to her nose, eyes, ears, hair, mouth, bellybutton and feet when you ask her to.  She knows what sound a fish, snake, monkey and cow make. -  The only word Ellis clearly consistently says is UP with a very pronounced P sound. -  She still takes two naps a day.  One at 10am and one at 2. -  Her favorite mischievous thing to do is sneak in our room and turn on the water faucet on the bathtub.  She knows it's sneaky and she loves to do it.