poop, smiles, coos, and poop

Being a Mommy means that you are rarely clean for very long.  This morning was definitely no exception to that rule.  It's a funny story so I thought I'd share.  I got up at 7:30 to feed him and I just sat down on the couch

when i happened to notice that his diaper looked pretty full in the front.  The following is my mental thought process "hmm.  that looks pretty full.  I should probably change him first because normally he poops when he eats and when his diaper is full he poops out of it." 

Then I see him screw his face up and he pooped really loudly.  again here is my thought process "well it's too late now.  I literally just had that thought and he pooped.  Hey there's something warm on my leg.  Did he just poop on me?"  I lift him up slightly and prop him up "O.MY.GOD.  he just pooped so much that it went up his back almost to his head.  That is so gross!!!  and it's on my PJ's now.  How the hell am I supposed to change him and clean him up??" 

I proceed to his room and put him on the changing station and take off his onsie which gets poop in his hair and all over the cover.  I undo his diaper and I turn my head to throw the old diaper in the diaper pail and when I turn my head back to him he is peeing all over - mostly on his own face.  This makes him so angry that I say "Well buddy that's all your own fault!  Don't get mad at me because you pooped up one side and peed up the other!"  At this point all I can do is laugh at him as I wipe him down.  This took many wipes I assure you.  I put a clean onesie on him, set him in his crib so that I could go change my clothes and wash  my hands.  Then I go back to the living room. 

I was still feeding him and it's at this point that he decided to give me his first real smile ever!  He totally locked eyes with me while I was talking to him and stopped eating his bottle and gave me this huge grin.  It was so cute.  I took the bottle out of his mouth and he totally did it again!  So cute!  Then he started cooing to me.  We had this conversation (warning this isn't the bed video taping skills ever but I was trying to talk to my boy!):

When we were done talking I fed him the rest of the bottle.  We were almost done when all of a sudden I see him screw his face up again and he poops a second time.  And for a second time I felt something warm on my leg.  Sigh.  It wasn't as bad as the first one but he definitely pooped up his diaper again and it got on my formally clean PJ's. 

Sometimes being a mom means being less than clean!  But if i get the reward of smiles and coos it doesn't seem so bad....


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